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God cares about you and so do

the people at Ebenezer Baptist Church. 

Here you will find a place for growing

your faith with family and friends.


Bro. Sandy was born and raised in Guin, Alabama. He was reared by godly parents who were faithful to make church and serving the Lord the center point of their family. He trusted Christ as his Savior as a nine-year-old boy and surrendered his life to preach as a teenager.

Bro. Sandy is married to his high school sweetheart Lee Ann. They have been married for over 37 years and have one son, Timothy. Bro. Sandy and his wife, Lee Ann, worked with youth in Vermont and Alabama. Sandy served as Pastor for 21 years in North Carolina before coming to serve the people of Ebenezer Baptist Church.

Bro. Sandy enjoys hunting and other outdoor activities. He and Lee Ann are avid Alabama Crimson Tide fans. Our pastor enjoys preaching practical Christ-centered messages in every service. He looks forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for the Ebenezer church family over the coming years.

Bro. Sandy and Lee Ann extend a warm welcome to you and your family.





"Jesus first, Jesus last, Jesus only" is the foundation for our Gospel-centered church.  We believe that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  We believe the Bible is the complete and sufficient revelation of God's truth to mankind.


We uphold the Baptist Faith and Message.








We grow best as Christians in a family setting.  EBC wants to care for your family and to become your family. 


At EBC we strive to provide Biblical support for families.











Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:  If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity the one who falls and has no one to help them up.  (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)


We want to help you develop relationships that have spiritual value.  Whether on the front porch, in a Sunday School class, or inside the church walls, you will discover Biblical fellowship and will find  people who are invested in each other's lives.


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Assembly at 9:45 A.M.

Sunday School at 10 A.M.

Morning Worship at 11 A.M.

Evening Worship at 6 P.M.




Mission Friends at 7 P.M.

Prayer and Bible Study at 7 P.M.


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Ebenezer Baptist Church
12250 NE 30th AVE
Chiefland FL 32626


Sandy Bozeman


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